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Garland Waller and Sabrina Wind

at the LA screening 2.1.19


Garland Waller and Celia Hubbard

at the LA screening 2.1.19


Q&A with Garland Waller and Celia Hubbard at the LA screening 2.1.19

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The Sandpiper Ocean Condominium Newsletter published a write up about The Silent Soldier and the Portrait and John's life nowadays. Read here.

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This week on Lifestyles, Lillian has a conversation with Garland Waller, Producer and Director of The Silent Soldier and the Portrait. Listen here.

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Hearsay's Cathy Lewis interviewed Garland Waller about the making of The Silent Soldier and the Portrait, as well as Garland's father John, about his incredible life story. Listen here.

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Read BU Today's article about The Silent Solider and the Portrait and interview with Garland Waller here.

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2.20.19 The Silent Soldier and the Portrait was picked up by Alexander Street, a Proquest Company for educational distribution. Soon you will be able to purchase the film at a discounted rate for educational purposes. Click here to find The Silent Soldier and the Portrait on Alexander Street.

2.12.19  According to Alexander Street, a ProQuest company, “Faculty, students, and academic leaders are increasingly seeking out new sources of video content and value its potential to contribute to teaching, research, and institutional promotion. But, rich archival video assets remain scattered, hidden, and inaccessible within their institutions and to the wider world.” The Silent Soldier and the Portrait is honored to be included in the ProQuest offerings to educational institutions. When everything is up and running, we will add a link here for educators and communities to be able to access the documentary for screenings.

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A special thanks to Robin Young, host of NPR’s “Here and Now”, for airing a 11/11/18 segment on The Silent Soldier and the Portrait.


Barry and I – along with my dad, John Waller -  were all interviewed for the Veteran’s Day.  The Here and Now link for WBUR in Boston is 90.9 FM, but it also airs around the country Monday through Friday.

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BU Today interviewed Garland Waller about her film in an article called "A Disaster at Sea and a 70-Year-Old Secret Drive Tonight’s Cinemathèque Film." Click the link below to read.

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